Als sportlicher Höhepunkt der NTFV-Saison wird bei der Landesmeisterschaft am Samstag, den 25. Oktober im BLZ die Frage geklärt, wer die besten niedersächsischen TischfußballspielerInnen sind. Zu diesem Turnier werden die besten Spieler der NTFV-Rangliste eingeladen. Gespielt werden die Disziplinen Damen, Herren, Junioren sowie Senioren, jeweils Einzel und Doppel. Die jeweils besten drei Doppel bzw. Einzel plus eventuelle Nachrücker qualifizieren sich für die Deutsche Meisterschaft. Alle Disziplinen werden am Samstag gestartet und auch beendet.
Gespielt wird bei den Herren ein Doppel-KO Modus (ohne Vorrunde, mit Setzung nach Niedersächsischer Rangliste). Bei den Damen, Junioren und Senioren wird der Modus vor Ort in Abhängigkeit von der Teilnehmerzahl festgelegt, um auch bei geringen Teilnehmerzahlen einen praktikablen Modus zu spielen.
Bei den Junioren, Senioren und Damen ist die Teilnahme an der Landesmeisterschaft für jeden Spieler/in offen. Bei den Herren erfolgt die Qualifikation über die NTFV-Rangliste: Im Einzel qualifizieren sich die besten 40 Spieler, im Doppel die besten 50 Spieler der Rangliste. Der gewählte Doppelpartner muss nicht unbedingt unter den besten 50 Spielern vertreten sein, allerdings muss er beim NTFV gemeldet sein. Es gibt keine Nachrücker. Eine Voranmeldung ist nicht nötig, die Anmeldung am Turniertag vor Ort ist ausreichend. Jeder SpielerIn darf nur in einer Klasse antreten (z.B. müssen Mädchen (unter 18 Jahren) sich zwischen Junioren und Damen entscheiden).
The Widgetkit Slideset takes your product showcase to the next level. It provides a sleek way to show multiple sets of items and uses smooth effects while looping through them.
Clean and very lightweight code
Eye-catching transition effects
Fully responsive including all effects
Support of named custom sets
Swipe navigation on mobile phones
Built with HTML5, CSS3, PHP 5.3+ and the latest jQuery version
Works with Joomla and WordPress
Slide Example
The sets are auto generated (4 items per set), item names are shown and it uses the slide effect and navigation buttons.
Zoom Example
The sets are arranged manually, sets names are used as a navigation and it uses the zoom effect.
Drops Example
The sets show the item names and it uses the drops effect and navigation buttons.
Album 1
Album 2
Album 3
Album 4
Album 5
Album 6
Album 7
Album 8
Album 9
Album 10
Album 11
Album 12
Deck Example
This auto generated sets uses prev/next buttons as a navigation and the deck effect.
How To Use
The Widgetkit Slideset takes full advantage of the very user-friendly Widgetkit administration interface. You can create and manage all slidesets and their different items in one place. After you have created a slideset, you can load it anywhere on your website using shortcodes or the universal Widgetkit Joomla module or WordPress widget.
The Widgetkit Accordion enables you to display a set of items in a compact space. When clicking on each item's header, it expands or collapses its content section.
Clean and very lightweight code
Responsive design to fit all device resolutions
Smooth transitions on content section toggle
Option to automatically match the height of varying content
Option to auto collapse or allow multiple opened items
Built with HTML5, CSS3, PHP 5.3+ and the latest jQuery version
Works with Joomla and WordPress
Herren Einzel
Friedrichs, Nick
Gawenat, Dennis
Gisder, Fabian
Christophers, Eike
Safia, Orwa
Retzlaff, Andreas
Freystein, Christian
Velasco, Marvin
Heinrich, Ruben
Herren Doppel
Gisder, Fabian Christophers, Eike
Olbrich, Pascal Lahner, Jörn
Meyer, Nils Frommeyer, Henning
Retzlaff, Andreas Safia, Orwa
Gawenat, Dennis Freystein, Christian
Friedrichs, Nick Nitzsche, Peer
Velasco, Marvin Harms, Jörg
Heinrich, Ruben Sorger, Daniel
Damen Einzel
Ellwanger, Solveig
Schmid, Stefanie
Rohrberg, Jeanine
Michaelis, Kathrin
Boos, Silke
Niemeyer, Hanna
Roth, Antje
Damen Doppel
Michaelis, Kathrin Roth, Antje
Schmid, Stefanie Boos, Silke
Ellwanger, Solveig Niemeyer, Hanna
Junioren Einzel
Velasco, Maurice
Wohltorf, Yannik
Dörjes, Noah
Soppe, Phillip
Junioren Doppel
Velasco, Maurice Wohltorf, Yannik
Dörjes, Noah Soppe, Phillip
Senioren Einzel
Kruse, Richard
Klockgether, Max
Aalderks, Ludger
Robben, Heinz
Jodkuhn, Frank
Bäter, Klaus
Gebhardt, Uwe
Hackspacher, Josef
Senioren Doppel
Kruse, Richard Klockgether, Max
Aalderks, Ludger Robben, Heinz
Jodkuhn, Frank Bäter, Klaus
Gebhardt, Uwe Hackspacher, Josef
How To Use
The Widgetkit Accordion lets you easily create and manage all the accordion's contents through the user-friendly Widgetkit administration interface. After you have created an accordion, you can load it anywhere on your website using shortcodes or the universal Widgetkit Joomla module or WordPress widget.
The Widgetkit Map provides a simple solution for adding a map to your website. Various features let you customize the map, like changing colors and adding markers or directions.
Location selection with auto geocoding
Supports multiple map markers with text popups
Option to get the direction to the active marker
Supports custom map styles and colors
Uses the latest Google Maps API
Built with HTML5, CSS3, PHP 5.3+ and the latest jQuery version
Works with Joomla and WordPress
Direction Example
This map features all map controls, multiple markers and you can get the direction.
Color Scheme Example
Set or invert the hue, saturation, lightness and gamma of a map.
Minimal Example
This map has a fixed width, no controls and no markers.
How To Use
With the Widgetkit Map you can quickly create and manage simple maps with features like multiple markers, text popups and custom color schemes. Once you have created a map, you can load it anywhere on your website using shortcodes or the universal Widgetkit Joomla module or WordPress widget.
The Widgetkit Gallery provides a smart and automated way to publish images on your website. You only need to select the image folders and the whole gallery is generated automatically.
Fully responsive including all effects
Folder based image selection
Supports multiple image folders
Automatic thumbnail creation
Supports image captions and custom links
Uses the Widgetkit Spotlight and Lightbox
Built with HTML5, CSS3, PHP 5.2+ and the latest jQuery version
Works with Joomla and WordPress
Showcase Box Example
This is an image showcase with eye-catching transition effects and a thumbnail navigation.
This is a very basic slideshow which uses preview thumbnails inside the image as a navigation.
Spotlight Example
This is an image wall with some margins and rounded corners using the spotlight and lightbox.
Slideset Example
This is an image gallery using all the features from the slideset widget.
How To Use
The Widgetkit Gallery comes with a user-friendly administration user interface which let's you create new galleries with just a few clicks. The integrated directory browser let's you easily add or remove source directories of your images. All galleries can be loaded anywhere in your theme using shortcodes or the universal Widgetkit Joomla module or WordPress widget.
The Widgetkit Media Player is a HTML5 audio and video player completely built with HTML and CSS. You can easily embed video files into your website by using the HTML5 video element. A Flash player fallback is included for all unsupported browsers.
Native playback for modern HTML5 browsers
Supports MP4 (h.264), WebM, FLV, WMV and MP3 files
Completely built with HTML and CSS
Responsive design to fit all device resolutions
Same UI in all browsers
Create your own skins
Flash player fallback for unsupported browsers
Works with Joomla and WordPress
This is a MP3 Audio Sample:
How To Use
Use the HTML5 video element to embed video in your website. For example:
The Widgetkit Twitter module is the neatest way to display tweets directly on your website. All displayed tweets get cached so they show up super fast, even if Twitter is not available.
Filter tweets by hashtags, words, from users, to users, referencing users
Block tweets using a blacklist
Tweets are cached for high performance
Tweets show up even if Twitter is not available
3 different styles to show your tweets
Responsive design to fit all device resolutions
Built with HTML5 using article and time elements
Works with Joomla and WordPress
How To Use
Create a Twitter module in Joomla or a Twitter widget in WordPress and publish it in a module position. A lot of options are available to choose which tweets you want to show.
For example you can show only tweets from a specific user or tweets that contain a certain hash-tag or a specific word. All options can be combined. To filter by more than one word or user use a space between them. For example: yootheme joomla.
The Widgetkit Spotlight allows you to add an overlay to your images, which fades or moves in on mouse hover. The overlay can be an image or HTML content. The default magnifier spotlight is a perfect match for the Widgetkit lightbox.
Create nicely animated image overlays
Supports custom image or HTML content overlays
5 different animation modes
Responsive design to fit all device resolutions
Built with the latest jQuery version
Works with Joomla and WordPress
If no custom overlay is set, the default spotlight fades in an overlay with a magnifier image. If you define a custom overlay, you can choose between different animations - fade, bottom, top, right and left.